A Deadly Bacterial Blight Disease Management in Pomegranate
T. Sahila*
Dept. of Plant Pathology, STAC, Vasudevanallur, Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu (627 760), India
G. Nivitha
Dept. of Microbiology, STAC, Vasudevanallur, Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu (627 760), India
Anu P. Mani
Dept. of Horticulture, STAC, Vasudevanallur, Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu (627 760), India
Keywords: Bacterial Leaf blight, Disease, Management, Pomegranate
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) also known as “Fruit of Paradise” is one among the major fruit crops grown extensively in subtropics. Its production was severely affected by certain agro climatic conditions such as biotic and abiotic stresses in crop health. Biotic stress such as fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses and non parasitic disorders are involved. Among the diseases, Bacterial blight of pomegranate is among the most devastating disease that inflicted huge losses to pomegranate crop productivity especially in India. During recent years, the disease has reached its alarming stage bringing substantial damage to the crop and heavy losses to the farmers. This disease can be efficiently managed by following management practices.
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