Adequate Management of Fruit and Vegetable Wastes in Mandies
Yogendra Yadav
Dept. of Agriculture, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Deoria, Uttar Pradesh (274 509), India
Girijesh Yadav*
Dept. of Agricultural Extension and Communication, SVPUAT, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (250 110), India
Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding, ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh (224 229), India
Amit Kumar
Dept. of Horticulture, SVPUAT, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (250 110), India
Pawan Kumar
Dept. of Entmology, SVPUAT, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (250 110), India
Keywords: Fruit and Vegetable Waste, Greenhouse gas, Pollution, Wholesale market
At present, fruit and vegetable mandies (wholesale markets) are generating a large amount of wastes and this constitutes a source of obstacle in the area. Waste in mandies that is daily dumped directly in the landfill without any treatment causes not only greenhouse gas emission and pollution but also leads to shortage of land. Fruit and vegetable waste management is a big issue in Indian scenario. Waste can contain many reusable substances of high value and depending on there being an adequate technology, this residual matter can be converted into commercial products either as raw material for secondary processesor as operating supplies and this is ingredients of new products. Multifarious valuable substances in food production are suitable for separation and recycling at the end of their life cycle, even though present separation and recycling processes are not absolutely cost efficient.
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