Agroforestry in India: Challenges and Future Prospects
Manorath Sen*
ICFRE-Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan (342 005), India
Ajit Kumar Maurya
ICFRE-Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (482 021), India
S.N. Murthy Midde
ICFRE-Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur, Rajasthan (342 005), India
Keywords: Agroforestry structures, Economic potential, Fuel wood, Sustainable agriculture
The practices of agroforestry have shown a great impact on the agricultural system in India. 8.2% of total geographical area or around 25.31 million hectares area used for agroforestry in India. Although agroforestry system has many benefits like it provides alternative source of income, farmers can produce crops along with timer and non-timber forest products. It also supports higher yield of crops. But agroforestry system currently faces many challenges in India like lack of high-quality planting materials, lack of proper research, strict rules and regulations related to transporting and cutting of plants. These challenges are the main reasons which hindered farmers to adopt agroforestry system. Government of India brings National Agroforestry Policy in 2014 to solve these challenges for its wide adoption.
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