Air Pollution in Metropolitan Cities - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai
Thamaraikannan, S.
Dept. of Soils and Environment, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu (625 104), India
R. Jayashree*
Dept. of Soils and Environment, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu (625 104), India
Keywords: Air pollution, Criteria pollutants, Effects, Management
Urbanization in India is rapid around the major cities in India. Population growth has been accelerated in cities due to migration of rural population. Increase in industrial activities, population both endemic and floating and vehicular population etc. has led to a rapid increase in environmental problems like Air pollution. Air pollution faced in Indian metropolitan cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai). The article gives details about air pollution, types of pollutants, and sources of air pollution in metropolitan cities, its effects on human. This article also covers the specific managing strategies to be followed for reducing the pollutants load into the atmosphere by the respective state government. The ultimate aim of this article is to make awareness to the people of urban cities regarding air pollution and possible suggestive measures to reduce pollution load in their cities.
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