Alternate Potassium Fertilizing Sources for K Economy in India
K. M. Sellamuthu*
Dept. of Natural Resource Management, Horticultural College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University), Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu (625604), India
P. Malathi
Dept. of Natural Resource Management, Horticultural College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University), Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu (625604), India
Keywords: Alternate potassium sources, Glauconite, Feldspar, Fly ash
India attained self-sufficiency in food grain production. But it has to increase the production and productivity to meet the increasing demand. Potassium plays an important role in enhancing crop growth and productivity. The ratio of N, P and K fertilizers consumption is not optimum over years. Most of the potash fertilisers are imported from other countries. To reduce the import of K fertilizers, alternate K sources should be explored. Some of the natural sources such as glauconite and feldspar and the industrial by products like fly ash and rice husk ash may be exploited to meet the K demand in India.
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