An Inclusion Level of Plant-Based Ingredients to Make a Balanced Aquafeed
P. Yuvarajan
Dept. of Aquaculture, TNJFU-Dr. M.G.R. Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thalainayeru, Tamil Nadu (614 712), India
Keywords: Balanced feed, Feed formulation, Plant-based feed ingredients, Soyameal
Plant-based ingredients are most widely used to replace (partially or completely) the animal-based ingredients. In general, it contains anti-nutritional factors and low micro-nutrients. So, it has to be treated and enriched with micronutrients. Plant based ingredients should be included at recommended level in the fish diet. Because the over inclusion of plant ingredients leads to an imbalanced feed that cause negative impact on growth and survival of culture species. Hence, the formulator must aware about nutritional requirement of species, ingredients background to formulate and prepare a balanced aquafeed.
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