Application of Machine Learning in Agricultural Automation
Priya Chugh*
Department of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab (141 004), India
Gunjan Chhabra
Department of Systematic, School of Computer Sciences, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand (248007), India
Keywords: Agricultural automation, Application, Food security, Machine learning
A new opportunity for data intensive science in the multi-disciplinary agri-technologies domain is the agricultural automation. The food security of the blooming population is the main concern for developing countries. The existed traditional methods aren't sufficient enough to serve the increasing demand and so they have to hamper the soil by using harmful pesticides in an intensified manner. This affects the traditional agricultural practice and in the end the land remains barren with no fertility. Machine learning is one of automation technique with several applications in agriculture. Today, there is an urgent need to decipher the issues like use of harmful pesticides, insects/pest resistance, climate change, soil infertility and effects of agricultural practice on environment etc. Automation of farming practices has proved to increase quality and quantity of agriculture products with huge share in global economy.
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