Assessment of Certain Bed Disinfectants on Silkworm Rearing Performance of FC1xFC2 Bivoltine Double Hybrid
M. Parasuramudu*
Dept. of Sericulture, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh (515 003), India
K. Nandhini
Dept. of Sericulture, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh (515 003), India
Y. Praveen Reddy
Dept. of Sericulture, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh (515 003), India
U. Anil Kumar
Dept. of Sericulture, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh (515 003), India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54083/BioResToday/5.12.2023/837-843
Keywords: Bed disinfectants, Bivoltine, Cocoon, Hybrid, Rearing, Silkworm
Sericulture, a pivotal agro-based industry, significantly contributes to the socio-economic development of rural communities by creating substantial employment opportunities. However, the sector faces critical challenges, particularly the prevalence of silkworm diseases, which can result in considerable economic losses, with crop reductions of up to 20%, reported in India. This study investigates the efficacy of four bed disinfectants, viz., Shakthi, Labex, Vijetha and Reshom Keet Oushadh (RKO) on the rearing performance of FC1×FC2 bivoltine silkworm hybrids. The experiment, conducted at Sri Krishna Devaraya University, involved applying the disinfectants during the 2nd to 5th instar stages and evaluating various parameters such as larval weight, shell weight, cocoon weight, pupation rate, effective rate of rearing (ERR), disease incidence and larval mortality. The results revealed that Vijetha was the most effective disinfectant, leading to the highest larval weight (4.37 g), shortest larval duration (23 days), superior cocoon (1.98 g) and shell weights (0.41 g). Additionally, Vijetha showed the highest pupation rate (85.67%) and ERR (91.00%) while significantly reducing disease incidence (3.00%) and larval mortality (4.67%). These findings highlight Vijetha as a highly effective disinfectant for improving silkworm rearing outcomes and managing diseases, making it a valuable tool for enhancing productivity in sericulture. However, the study underscores the importance of selecting appropriate bed disinfectants, particularly Vijetha, to maximize silk production and minimize losses due to disease.
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