Assessment of Growth Dynamics in Different Mulberry Genotypes at 12 and 15 Months after Plantation (MAP) for Pulp and Paper Production
Manickavasagam Mithilasri*
Centre for Climate Change and Disaster Management (CCC&DM), Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (600 025), India
K.T. Parthiban
Dept. of Agroforestry, Forest College and Research Institute, Mettupalayam, Tamil Nadu (641 301), India
Keywords: Genotypes, Growth dynamics, Mulberry, Paper production, Pulp
India has huge need for growing wood products, driven by urbanization and forest protectant act which is need for creation of domestic plantation system. The present study assesses the growth attributes of 21 mulberry genotypes at two different periods such as 12 and 15 months after plantation (MAP) to screen the superior genotype for pulp and paper industry. This research utilized a Randomized Block Design with five replications conducted at the Forest College and Research Institute, part of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Key growth traits measured by plant height, basal diameter, diameter at breast height (DBH) and volume. Among the genotypes significant variations were observed with plant height, basal diameter, diameter at breast height and volume from 2.15 to 5.67 m, 41.04 to 53.46 mm, 27.61 to 43.25 mm and 0.0007 to 0.0039 m3, respectively at 15 MAP. Across the all the parameter the mulberry genotype MI-0845 has superior growth performance for pulp and paper production. This investigation highlights the potential of targeted genotype evaluation in enhancing mulberry wood productivity and quality, contributing to sustainable agro-forestry practices in India.
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