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Devamani, M., Dhahira Beevi, N., 2024. Assessment of soil fertility in mulberry cultivation areas of Tamil Nadu, India. Plant Health Archives 2(2), 61-69. DOI: 10.54083/PHA/2.2.2024/61-69.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 2 No. 2 : April-June (2024) / Research Articles

Assessment of Soil Fertility in Mulberry Cultivation Areas of Tamil Nadu, India

Devamani Mahadevaswamy*

Centre for Higher Studies in Botany and Sericulture, Regional Sericultural Research Station (Affiliated to Periyar University), Vaikkalpattarai, Salem, Tamil Nadu (636 017), India

Dhahira Beevi Nagoorgani

Centre for Higher Studies in Botany and Sericulture, Regional Sericultural Research Station (Affiliated to Periyar University), Vaikkalpattarai, Salem, Tamil Nadu (636 017), India


Keywords: Chemicals, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Mulberry, Silkworm, Soil


Sericulturists recently encountered reduced leaf yields and difficulties in silkworm rearing due to nutrient deficiencies in mulberry leaves caused by insufficient soil fertilization, leading to research on soil fertility status for optimal mulberry cultivation in Tamil Nadu. A total of 2,630 soil samples were gathered from various locations across the state and examined for 12 chemical properties. Of these, 83.27% were identified as alkaline (pH > 7.8) and non-saline (EC < 1 mmhos cm-1). The content of organic carbon was low in 64.33% of the samples (<0.65%), while 38.75% and 35.1% exhibited medium (260-560 kg ha-1) to high (>560 kg ha-1) levels of available nitrogen. High levels of available phosphorus (P2O5 > 25 kg ha-1) were found in 45.01% of the samples, while 59.43% had high potassium (K2O > 240 kg ha-1). Sulphur content was low (<10 ppm) in 38.52% of the samples. DTPA-extractable micronutrients revealed that manganese (Mn) levels were medium in 23.8% of the samples (2-4 ppm) and high in 53% (>4 ppm). In contrast, boron (B) levels were low in 79.20% of the samples (<0.5 ppm). Iron (Fe) was found to be low (<4.5 ppm) in 84.71% of samples, zinc (Zn) was deficient (<0.6 ppm) in 57.52% and copper (Cu) was high (>0.4 ppm) in 89.88%. The study concluded that the majority of mulberry cultivation areas in Tamil Nadu have slightly alkaline soils, with deficiencies in micronutrients and organic carbon.


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