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Brithisha, K., Kaviarasu, D., Uma, A., Ezhilarasi, V., Gopalakannan, A., 2022. Beneficial effects of biofloc technology in aquaculture systems. Biotica Research Today 4(5), 359-363.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 4 No. 5 : May (2022) / Popular Article

Beneficial Effects of Biofloc Technology in Aquaculture Systems

K. Brithisha

Dr. M.G.R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India

D. Kaviarasu*

Dr. M.G.R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India

A. Uma

Dr. M.G.R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India

V. Ezhilarasi

Dr. M.G.R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India

A. Gopalakannan

Dr. M.G.R Fisheries College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Dr. J Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam), Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India


Keywords: Aquaculture, Beneficial effect, Biofloc, Bioremediation


The rapid expansion of the aquaculture sector causes an environmental impact and it mainly depends on the fishmeal diet these problems are reduced through the implementation of biofloc technology. It is containing more nutritional composition as well as several bioactive compounds such as bromophenols, carotenoids, chlorophylls, poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate and phytosterols they act as natural probiotic and immunostimulant. These beneficial compounds improve the growth, survival, defence mechanisms and also considered as novel technology for aquatic animal health management in aquaculture by stimulating nonspecific defense mechanism of cultured animals. Moreover, biofloc technology served as a bioremediation tool to provide a sustainable and eco-friendly environment, biosecurity, and low risk of pathogen and disease introduction which gives high production yield to reduce the poverty alleviation. This article highlights the beneficial effects of biofloc technology in aquaculture production and their application in the various purposes of culture systems.


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