Bio-Physical Seed Treatment: A Cost-Effective Method in Disease Management
Sushila Choudhary*
Division of Plant Pathology, RARI, (SKN Agriculture University, Jobner), Durgapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan (302 018), India
Mohit Kumar
DR. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar (848 125), India
Keywords: Bio-Physical, Disease, Environmental, Seed-borne
The seed is an essential unit in commercial crop production. Seed plays a significant role in associating micro-organisms that establish hazardous for new plants created from it. Seed associated pathogens usually harmful for plant health as well as agriculture seed production. Bio-Physical seed treatments alone a substitute to chemical or in combination with a chemical treatment are being used worldwide because of their environmental safety and socio-economic aspects. The seed-borne and early season diseases and insects create devastating consequences if not managed timely. So seed treatment is an economical way to overcome seed-borne diseases, seed treatment gives effective protection from seed associated pathogen until one month from the time of seed treatment, especially during seed germination. Hence Bio-Physical seed treatment and methods using natural crop protection agents/ microbial inoculants could be an alternative to chemical seed treatment methods in crop production.
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Agrios, G.N. (2005). Plant Pathology. Fifth Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, California, London-U.K. Publisher: Dana Dreibelbis, pp.922.
Harman, G.E. (1991). Seed treatments for biological control of plant disease.Crop Protection 10: 166-171.