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Singh, J., Tripathi, A., 2021. Biochar designed with secondary metabolites: Sustainable agro-technology against abiotic and biotic stress. Research Biotica 3(3), 164-169. DOI: 10.54083/ResBio/3.3.2021.164-169.


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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 3 No. 3 : July-September (2021) / Review Articles

Biochar Designed with Secondary Metabolites: Sustainable Agro-Technology against Abiotic and Biotic Stress

Jyoti Singh*

Dept. of Botany, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (221 005), India

Abhilasha Tripathi

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh (208 016), India


Keywords: Antagonistic potential, Designed biochar, Plant growth promoting attributes, Secondary metabolites, Stress conditions, Sustainable alternative


Utilization of biochar i.e., solid product obtained through pyrolysis of biomass is captivating global interest in agricultural prospective. Along with reduction in anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases and bioremediation of natural resources, biochar as a soil amendment also upgrade the nutrient retention, soil tilth and rhizospheric microbial community. To enhance the benign effects of biochar in crop production, designed biochar has been produced by the immobilization of fertilizers and biocontrol agents on biochar according to the specific requirements. Several studies mentioned different virtues of designed biochar that includes antagonistic potential, plant growth promoting attributes and the ability to activate the induced systemic response against foliar pathogens during field trials. Due to complications regarding the efficacy faced by whole organism formulations of biocontrol agents, secondary metabolites has emerged as promising substitute with target specificity, invulnerable to geographical locations, longer shelf life, resistant against climatic conditions and large scale production. Metabolites obtained from biocontrol agents against abiotic and biotic stresses have proved their potential in antagonistic and plant growth promoting abilities. The objective of this article is to devise the combination of biochar with specific metabolites and to glean maximum advantages in our agro ecosystems.


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