Biofortification of Crops to Overcome Malnutrition in India
K. M. Sellamuthu*
Dept. of Natural Resource Management, Horticultural College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University), Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu (625 604), India
P. Malathi
Dept. of Natural Resource Management, Horticultural College and Research Institute (Tamil Nadu Agricultural University), Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu (625 604), India
Keywords: Biofortification, Crops, Malnutrition, Micronutrients
About 33 percent of the global population is being witnessed with malnutrition or hidden hunger due to the deficiency of micronutrients viz., Iron, Zinc and Iodine and also Vitamins. There are variety of reasons which are responsible for deficiency of micronutrients in the food grains viz., cultivation of crops in deficient soils, problem soils like calcareous or alkali soils, poor fertilizer application, continuous application of straight fertilizers, mono cropping, high cropping intensity, poor application of organic manures, loss of nutrient during processing of food grains etc. Biofortification can ensure availability of food grains rich in minerals and vitamins which is possible by conventional breeding, genetic engineering, agronomic management techniques and proper post harvest processing methods. Through mass multiplication of biofortified varieties of staple food grains and creating awareness among the farmers, malnutrition of the people can be reduced and immunity can be improved.
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