Bioremediation of Polluted Environment
Devadharshini K.P.
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
E. Parameswari*
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
M. Maheswari
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
Keywords: Bioremediation, Environmental factors, Microbes, Principles
Understanding the bioremediation process which is central to the future of widespread exploitation of microorganisms to reduce the environmental burden of toxic substances is vital and more essential. This paper explains about the principles of bioremediation, its application and types for a better understanding. It also explains about the microbial populations and its role during the bioremediation process. Environmental parameters like nutrient, temperature and moisture content are required in necessary levels, along with the tabulation which elaborated the detailed information about the required parameters in the suitable bioremediation process. And finally the conclusion gives clear cut explanation about the bioremediation which is derived from its advantages and disadvantages.
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