Climate Change - A Menace to Bees
Dori Bhavana*
Dept. of Entomology, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad (500 030), India
Challa Lalitha Navya
Dept. of Agricultural Extension, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad (500 030), India
Keywords: Bee, Climate change, Impact, Menace
Climate change has a variety of effects on honey bees. It has the potential to have a direct impact on their behaviour and physiology. It can also change the floral environment's quality as well as increase or decrease colony harvesting capacity and development. Climate change has an indirect impact on bees because of their diminished floral supplies. Differential responses of insects and plants to temperature changes could result in temporal (phenological) and spatial (distributional) mismatches, which could have serious demographic effects for the bees involved.
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Reddy, P.R., Verghese, A., Rajan, V.V., 2012. Potential impact of climate change on honeybees (Apis spp.) and their pollination services. Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems 18(2), 121-127.