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Das, S., Das, S.S., Chowdhury, S., 2020. Codex alimentarius and its role. Biotica Research Today 2(4), 54-56.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 2 No. 4 : April (2020) / Popular Article

Codex Alimentarius and its Role

Shantanu Das*

ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi (110 012), India

Soumitra Sankar Das

Dept. of Agricultural Statistics & Computer Application, RAC, BAU, Kanke, Jharkhand (834 006), India

Samik Chowdhury

ICAR-Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram Centre, Kolasib, Mizoram (796 081), India


Keywords: Codex alimentarius, Food products, Food safety, Food standard


Codex Alimentarius is a collection of international standards of foods, codes of practice, methodologies and other recommendations that are related to foods, food production and safety. It was developed and maintains by Codex Alimentarius Commission and was set up by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States joined by the World Health Organization in June 1962. All kind of foods which are intended for human consumption are covered by Codex Alimentarius. The main aim of the commission is to maintain international standards of quality and consumer economic interest and to maintain fair trade practices in a fair ways. With this goal, different sectors have been worked under the control of Codex Alimentarius Commission. In near future, it is expected that various developing countries will involves and will upgrade the traditional committee structure into a newly designed codex committees. This upcoming newly designed committee will bring more and more achievement in the twenty-first century.


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Heilandt, T., 2007. Codex Alimentarius Commission: Structure, Activities, Cooperation. Symposium - Trade Rules, Regulations and Standards: Different Levels of Rule Making and their Impact. Geneva. 23rd October, 2007.

Kojima, M., Tritscher, A., 2015. Codex Alimentarius Commission: Ensuring Food Safety and Nutrition Security for Over 50 Years. Food Safety Magazine. [Online] 6 April. Available from: [Accessed: 31 May 2015].

WHO, 2015. WHO and the Codex Alimentarius. [Online] Available from: general_info/ en/ index3. Html. [Accessed: 26 May 2015].