Collection of Waste Water Sample and Preservation Techniques
V. Sumitha Bharathi*
Dept. of Environmental Science, S. Thangapazham Agriculture College, Affiliated to Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Vasudevanallur, Tamil Nadu (627 760), India
S. Suganya
Dept. of Soil Science, S. Thangapazham Agriculture College, Affiliated to Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Vasudevanallur, Tamil Nadu (627 760), India
Keywords: Preservative techniques, Sampling methods, Wastewater sample collection
The aim of sampling is to collect a representative sample. Representative sample means a sample in which relative proportions or concentration of all pertinent components will be the same as in the material being sampled. The sample volume shall be optimal small enough that it can be transported and large enough for analytical purposes. Because of the increasing importance on verifying the accuracy and representatives of data, greater emphasis is placed on proper sample collection, tracking and preservation techniques.
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