Copigmentation: An Important Feature of Anthocyanins
Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, Delhi (110 012), India
Madhubala Thakre
Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, Delhi (110 012), India
Keywords: Anthocyanins, Color stability, Copigmentation, Flavonols
Copigmentation is a chemical phenomenon that occurs when a colorless organic molecule interacts with a pigment molecule to form a stable, intensely colored complex. It involves the interaction between colorless copigments and colored, water-soluble pigments, i.e., anthocyanins. Examples of copigments include flavonols, polyphenols, organic acids, and alkaloids. The effect of copigments is predominant in weak acidic conditions. The process can occur in several ways, including self-association, intramolecular, and intermolecular interactions. Different types of shifts such as bathochromic, hyperchromic, and hypsochromic, determine the color quality and stability of these complexes. Understanding the mechanisms of copigmentation can lead to the development of strategies to enhance the color quality and stability of products in different food, cosmetics, and textile industries.
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