Coral Reefs: Their Benefits, Threats and Restoration
Pragati Kumari
Dept. of Fisheries Hydrography, College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra (415 629), India
Udai Ram Gurjar
DRPCAU-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Parsauni, East Champaran, Bihar (845 458), India
M.S. Sawant
Dept. of Fisheries Hydrography, College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra (415 629), India
Suman Takar*
The Neotia University Sarisa, Kolkata, West Bengal (743 368), India
Keywords: Benefits, Coral reefs, Restoration, Threats
The coral reefs are most productive, diversified and beautiful ecosystems on the world. They serve a variety of functions and supply coastal communities, particularly those in developing nations, with a wide range of goods and services. The advantages derived from these services and goods are put in jeopardy by a number of anthropogenic behaviours that threaten reef health. These threats vary from local problems like declining water quality, destructive fishing practices, pollution, dredging and sedimentation to global problems like coral bleaching. This article discusses the current biodiversity of coral reefs and management tactics for restoring specific ecosystems.
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