Crop Production under Protective Agriculture
Rakesh Giri Goswami*
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Pt.K.L.S CoH & RS GE Road Pendri, Rajnandgaon - 491441(C.G), INDIA
Keywords: High yield, risk prone ,protection techniques
Several components have been introduced in the latest green revolution crop production technologies, so that it results in high yield crop production of improved variety. In agriculture sector, the use of new agro-chemicals and intensive crop cultivation techniques are adopted to boost the production. But for the past few years, periodical unabated explosions of white flies, boll worms, pod borers, defoliators, coccids, cutworms, plant hoppers etc., have emerged as direct disease transmitters and crop damagers in different regions of the world and have made agriculture less remunerative and highly risk prone. Without using any crop protection product or technique, the crop yields may be declined drastically. The entire effort of farmers and agriculture experts will be of no use in absence of crop protection techniques. This has aroused the need of crop protection techniques and products that can help to prevent the crop from damages and reduce the amount of risk involved in agricultural sector.
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