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Dutta, P., Mahanta, M., Dutta, S., 2023. Current status and future strategies of microbial control of fungal diseases of forest trees. Plant Health Archives 1(3), 130-138. DOI: 10.54083/PHA/1.3.2023/130-138.


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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 1 No. 3 : October-December (2023) / Review Articles

Current Status and Future Strategies of Microbial Control of Fungal Diseases of Forest Trees

Pranab Dutta*

College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), Kyrdemkulai, Ri Bhoi Meghalaya (793 105), India

Madhusmita Mahanta

College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), Umiam, Meghalaya (793 103), India

Samaritan Dutta

ADAC&RI, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Navalurkottapattu, Tamil Nadu (620 027), India


Keywords: Disease management, Forest disease, Formulation, Microbial control


Microbial control is one of the potential alternatives of chemical pesticides for plant disease management. Microbes like fungus, bacteria, virus, nematode etc. as bio-agent is widely exploited during the last two decades. However, inconsistency in their field performance is a matter of great concern and proving to be a major bottleneck in their large-scale application. These agents are capable of replicating in the environment, but require certain frequent manipulations to get activated/ multiplied after its application. Formulation for easy field application is its major requirement for optimization of its efficacy, stability and ease of application. Formulation is available in the form of water dispersible powder, granule, emulsion, etc. with carriers, diluents and surface-active agents, according to need of a final consumer product. Amongst different application methods seed treatment is found to be the best method in combating disease management as it protect the crop from both seed and soil borne pathogen.


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