Development and Strategy Fish Health Management in Aquaculture
Durgesh Kumar Verma*
ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Regional Center, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh (211 002), India
Vandana Kumari
Industrial Training Institute, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh (224 001), India
Keywords: Aquaculture, Development, Fish disease, Strategy
Different types of diseases also occur in fishes like humans and animals. The most prevalent fish diseases, especially in freshwater fish ponds, are columnaris, gill disease, ick (ich), dropsy, tail and fin rot, fungal infections, white spot disease, pop-eye, cloudy eye, swim bladder disease, lice and nematode worm infestation, water quality-induced diseases, constipation, anorexia, chilodonella, ergasilus, tuberculosis, glugea, henneguya. Fish are responsible for transmitting parasites in the water, which subsequently make them exposed to diseases. Due to disease, there are more deaths in fishes because the fish eat less food, due to which their body's activities are affected. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoan, water mould infections, as well as nutrient excesses and shortages, are some of the causes of diseases in fish. Prevent fish mortality due to disease by regulating the pond, fish diet, over fish stoking etc.
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