Drying of Ornamental Flowers: An Income Earning Venture
V. Baskaran*
ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands -744101
K. Abirami
ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands -744101
B. Augustine Jerard
ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands -744101
Keywords: Dry flower, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, drying technique, value addition
The art of drying ornamental flowers and their parts is a flourishing art from olden days. The use of dried floral parts in a variety of products has now become a major business worldwide and this art has transformed from hobby to dollar earning venture. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a storehouse of variety of ornamental plants and provides ample opportunities for dry flower making. Agriculture land holding is very less in the Isand, hence the additional activities along with farming will help in increased economic benefit to the farmers. Dry flower technique is one such avenue which may be exploited in the Island by the use of native ornamental plant wealth and provide employment opportunites for farm women, tribal wome, self help groups and unemployed youth. When the dry flower is developed as an enterprise for manufacturing of various procuts many techniques of drying are standardized that may be used for successful production. However, for intiation of small scale cottage industry simple drying techniques may be employed.
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Arvinder, S. and Nomita. L. 2010. Drying of flowers and other ornamental plant parts in India. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology. 4. 72-78.
Janakiram, T., Ritu Jain, Prasad, K. V., Namita, Raju, D. V. S., Swaroop, K., Singh, K. P and Mehta, Sakuntala. 2012. Practical manual on value addition of ornamental crops. IARI, New Delhi, India, pp. viii + 34