Emerging Technologies in Fish Processing
Vinothkumar L.*
Paraprofessional Institute of Fisheries Technology, TNJFU, Madhavram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (600 051), India
Vignaesh Dhanabalan
Paraprofessional Institute of Fisheries Technology, TNJFU, Madhavram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (600 051), India
Manivannan M.
Paraprofessional Institute of Fisheries Technology, TNJFU, Madhavram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (600 051), India
Keywords: Emerging technologies, Fishery product, Packaging, Processing
Health, nutrition and convenience are the major factors driving the global food industry. Fish products have attracted considerable attention as a source of protein, vitamins, minerals, fats and rank third among the food categories with fastest overall growth worldwide. As fish is highly perishable, proper processing and packaging helps in maintaining the quality of fish.
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