Endophytic Fungi: Potential Role in Sustainable Agriculture
Abhinandana, K.R.*
Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka (560 065), India
Krishna Naik, L.
Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka (560 065), India
Keywords: Abiotic stress, Biocontrol, Endophytic fungi, Phytoremediation
Fungal endophytes are considered as the crucial component of plant micro-ecosystem; reside within plant tissues without displaying any apparent noticeable symptoms in the host. Endophytic fungi exert significant effects on host plants by promoting growth, improving fitness and enhancing resistance to pests and diseases. Moreover, as a symbiotic partnership between the fungal endophytes - host plant, the latter produces an abundance of bioactive substances that are expressed as defensive mechanisms to shield the former from multitude of stressful condition. In addition, endophytic fungi enhance the plant’s ability to tolerate heavy metal toxicity or stress via secretion of numerous secondary metabolites and helps in phyto-remediation. Hence, harnessing the prospective of endophytic fungi, equipped with a range of beneficial traits, holds promise as a valuable tool in achieving the objectives of a secure and sustainable agricultural system.
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