Evaluation of Multiple Tomato Varieties for Morpho-Flowering and Yield Traits under Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse
Raja Naik, M.*
College of Horticulture (Dr.YSRHU), Anantharajupeta - 516 105, Y.S.R Dist., Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
D. Sreedhar
Horticulture Research Station (Dr.YSRHU), Anantharajupeta - 516 105, Y.S.R Dist., Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
M. Tagore Naik
Horticulture Research Station (Dr.YSRHU), Mahanandi, Kurnool Dist. Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Keywords: Flowering, Growth, Naturally ventilated polyhouse, Tomato varieties, Yield
An investigation was undertaken at Horticultural Research Station, Mahanandi, Kurnool Dist. Andhra Pradesh during 2008-2009 to study the performance of five tomato varieties under polyhouse condition. The study consisted of five tomato varieties laid out in Randomized Block Design with four replications. All the five varieties of tomato were planted under naturally ventilated polyhouse. Results revealed that significantly longer plant (116.50 cm), stem diameter (6.60 cm), number of primary (4.51), secondary (13.51), tertiary (11.25) branches, spread of the plant along the row (101.50 cm) and across the row (92.24 cm) were recorded maximum in cultivar skakthiman (V2). Early days to flowering (35.83), minimum duration to 50 per cent flowering (58.67 days) and higher flower count per plant (63.75), maximum weight of the fruit (74.85 g), longer length of the fruit (13.10 cm), diameter of the fruit (18.21 cm) and fruit yield (47.59 t/ha) were recorded in cultivar shakthiman (V2).
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