Expert System: An ICT Tool for Decision Making in Agriculture
C.R. Monikha
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu (627 852), India
Keywords: Agriculture, Crop Doctor, Decision Support System, Expert system
Agriculture is backbone of Indian economy and it is primary sector of country. In these days rural India is drastically moving towards digitalization and technology. Farmer’s enquire advance or experts knowledge to take decision during soil preparation, seed selection, fertilizer management, pesticide management, water scheduling, weed management, pest and disease management, so that to get high yield. In agriculture, expert systems are capable of integrating the perspectives of individual disciplines such as plant pathology, entomology, horticulture and agricultural meteorology into a framework that best addresses the type of ad hoc decision-making required of modern farmers. Expert systems can be one of the most useful tools for accomplishing the task of providing growers with the day-to-day integrated decision support and transferring expert-driven knowledge instantly at the level of farmer’s field.
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