Exploring Criterions for Judging Top Ten Important Plant Viruses in India
Mehulee Sarkar
Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (110 012), India
Keywords: Criterions, Diseases, Plant virus, Significant
Plant viruses pose a threat to sustainable agriculture and are responsible for significant financial losses. International trade, climate change, and viruses' capacity for fast evolution are the primary causes of the growing prevalence of novel viral diseases. Losses due to bacterial and fungal pathogens are well documented, but in case of viruses very limited information is available. And if documented it is only based on small comparative trials that don’t give any exact idea about global loss estimates because of variation in losses by a particular virus in a particular crop varies from year to year, region to region and also on the assessment methodologies. In India there is lack of information regarding the potential criteria for judging viruses. The present article explored different criterions for judging top ten important plant viruses in India.
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