Famines: Disasters and Indian Agriculture
Jai P. Rai*
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, RG South Campus, Barkachha, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh (231 001), India
Keywords: Disaster, Drought, Famine, Food shortage, Hunger, Indian agriculture
Food production is still the major goal of Indian Agriculture which is largely controlled by the Monsoons. Therefore, famines are closely associated with agriculture in India. In Bengal (1943), the Great Famine has had a significant impact on the subcontinent’s socioeconomic circumstances, which has led to marked changes to the lives of those living there. In addition, the socioeconomic landscape of the peninsula has been impacted by famines in a few other states. This review investigates the background of the catastrophic events in the peninsula of South Asia, with a focus on the period of British colonization. Academic viewpoints are offered to the geo-socio-politico-economical circumstances with the incidence of famines in the region. The present paper is an effort to investigate the causes, implications and perspectives of states of hunger during 18-20th century in India and Bangladesh. The significance of government initiatives, financial variables and climate trends in intensifying food shortages are among the major themes. The paper also highlights the social and economic consequences of these events on the populations of both countries.
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