Flocponics: Sustainable Intensification of Aquaculture by Integrating Aquaponics and Biofloc Technology
Potluri Sai Kishore
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, RRTC Centre, Motipur, Bihar (843 111), India
Udipta Roy
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, RRTC Centre, Motipur, Bihar (843 111), India
Kinnera Tejaswini
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, RRTC Centre, Motipur, Bihar (843 111), India
Suraj Patel
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, RRTC Centre, Motipur, Bihar (843 111), India
MD Aklakur*
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, RRTC Centre, Motipur, Bihar (843 111), India
Keywords: Flocponics, Microbial flocs, Sustainability, Waste recirculation
Flocponics is an innovative aquaculture model combining aquaponics and biofloc technology to promote aquaculture sustainability and the development of a circular economy. This novel technique would help solve the technical, economical and environmental challenges of traditional aquaculture by promising improved resource utilization, waste management and less adverse environmental impacts. By merging the fish culture with hydroponics and microbial flocs, this technique makes it easier to create a closed-loop, self-efficient system. Its use promotes the recycling of nutrients as the waste outputs are diminished due to synergistic interactions between fish and plants. Key components for the flocponics system include fish culture tanks, hydroponic beds and water filtration units. Even though high initial costs and system complexity might hinder the system establishment, careful monitoring and management can increase the system's profitability. Potential resource efficiency and enhanced productivity promote sustainability in flocponics as an advanced aquaculture practice.
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