FLOCponics: The Integration of BFT and Aquaponics System
M. Mohamed Faizullah*
Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thalainayeru, Tamil Nadu (614 712), India
J. Jaculine Pereira
Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thalainayeru, Tamil Nadu (614 712), India
P. Yuvarajan
Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thalainayeru, Tamil Nadu (614 712), India
M. Muthu Abishag
Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thalainayeru, Tamil Nadu (614 712), India
Keywords: Aquaponics, Biofloc technology, Flocponics, Integrated system
FLOCponics is such as a modern integrated agri-aquaculture system in its initial stage of development. Flocponics combines the intensive production of aquatic organisms using biofloc technology with the production of vegetables in hydroponics systems, an alternative type of aquaponics that integrates biofloc technology (BFT) with soilless plant production. The biofloc aquaculture systems are based on promoting the growth of specific microbial communities that recycle the nitrogenous waste directly fomented in the aquaculture tank to intensify and increase the biosecurity of fish and shrimp production. The microorganisms are responsible for maintaining water quality and serving as food for the cultivated organisms, decreasing the need for water renewal and the use of commercial feed. Aiming the improvement of its efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of both systems, flocponics uses the excess nutrients from the biofloc to nourish hydroponics plants.
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