Fresh Fish: Handling, Transportation and Preservation
Monalisa Mishra*
Dept. of FPT, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kerala (682 506), India
G. N. Kulkarni
Retd. Professor, College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra (415 629), India
Subal Kumar Ghosh
School of Fisheries, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha (761 211), India
Keywords: Fresh fish, Onboard handling, Preservation, Transportation
The fresh fish has provided an immense opportunity to millions of people for employment as well as food. Fishermen, fish processors and traders in many countries often rely on simple low cost equipment and live and work in remote areas where basic services and facilities are not available. The purpose of processing and preserving fish is to consume fish in good, safe and usable condition. Fish begins to spoil as soon as it is caught, perhaps even before it is taken out of the water as fish is a highly perishable commodity. Fish can be kept alive in floating cages, wells and fish ponds. Stocking of good quality and healthy fish seedlings or fingerlings is a prerequisite for successful fish culture and optimum profit. Similarly, price for fish produce is often higher if live fishes are transported suitably to markets and supplied fresh to consumers.
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Balachandran, K.K., 2001. Post- Harvest Technology of Fish and Fishery Products. Daya Publishing House, Delhi.
Burt, J.R., 2003. Hypoxanthine a biochemical index of fish quality. Process Biochemistry 11(10), 23-25.
FAO, 2011. Handling of fish and fish products, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. Rome. Retrieved on 2017.