Green Gold and the Himalayas
Anuradha Thakur
Dept. of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh (173 230), India
Keywords: Bamboo, Himalayas, Tribes, Economy
Bamboo belongs to the grass family Poaceae and is recognized as the fastest growing plant on earth. It is considered as an economic resource for a wide range of uses and for poverty alleviation for tribal in particular. The role of bamboo in the economy of the Himalayan people is of utmost importance. The present article deals with a list of bamboos occurring in Himalayas with their vernacular names, distribution and different tribes found in this Himalayan Range especially the lesser Himalayas. However extensive study is required to know emphatically about the bamboo diversity of the Himalayan state.
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Tamang, Deo, Kumar, Dhakal, Dinesh, Gurung, Sambhawana, Sharma, N. P., & Shrestha D. G., 2013. Bamboo Diversity, Distribution Pattern and its uses in Sikkim (India) Himalaya. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 3(2), 1-6.
THE INDIAN FOREST (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2017. Bill No 208 of 2017. https://crda.ap.gov.in/apcrdadocs/Environment_New/Acts,%20Rules%20&%20NGT%20Orders/2.%20The%20Indian%20Forest%20(Amendment)%20Act,%202017.pdf
India State of Forest Report 2019, Volume I. Forest Survey of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change Government of India.