High Energy Feeds in Inland Aquaculture
P. Ruby*
Dept. of Aquaculture, Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India
B. Ahilan
Dept. of Aquaculture, Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India
Cheryl Antony
Dept. of Aquaculture, Dr. MGR Fisheries College and Research Institute, Ponneri, Tamil Nadu (601 204), India
Keywords: Feed, Inland aquaculture, Nutrition, Production cost
Inland fish production mainly consists of capture based fishing activities and is mainly dependent on exotic species such as Tilapia sp., Indian carps and Chinese carps. However, sustainability of aquaculture production depends on proper feeding and farm management. Feeding of fish has become one of the critical management practices today, as it occupies 50-60% from the total cost of production. Of the feed ingredients, protein source is one of the expensive ingredients in the formulated feed. Fish meal is still an essential ingredient in the diets and it is also an expensive feed ingredient compared to other protein sources and thus represents a significant cost element in feed and production cost.
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