Human Activities and Their Effect on River Water Levels
Somdutt Tripathi
Dept. of Agril. Extension, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology (BUAT), Banda, Uttar Pradesh (210 001), India
Nirmal Chandra*
Dept. of Agril. Extension, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology (BUAT), Banda, Uttar Pradesh (210 001), India
Anjali Pandey
Dept. of Agri. Extension Education, SVPUAT, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (250 110), India
Tanu Shree Maurya
Dept. of Agril. Extension, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology (BUAT), Banda, Uttar Pradesh (210 001), India
Keywords: Deforestation, Human civilizations, Industrial operations, Urbanisation
Rivers provide vital resources like drinking water, irrigation for agriculture and habitats for a variety of animals, making them the lifeblood of ecosystems and human civilizations. Water levels have significantly decreased as a result of human activity's growing threat to the sustainability and health of river systems. The various ways that human activity affects river water levels are examined in this abstract, including groundwater extraction, agricultural practices, urbanisation, industrialization, deforestation and changes in land use. The objective is to draw attention to how these issues are interconnected and offer long-term fixes to lessen their negative consequences. River water depletion is primarily caused by agricultural operations. River flows are significantly reduced by extensive water withdrawal for agriculture, particularly during dry seasons. Fertiliser and pesticide use further contaminates river water, reducing its usefulness. This problem is made worse by urbanisation and industrialization, which raise the demand for industrial and municipal water.
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