Immobilization Technique for Wastewater Treatment
Aarthy Sri M.
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
E. Parameswari*
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
M. Maheswari
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
Keywords: Absorption, Carriers, Entrapment, Immobilization
Immobilized microorganism technology is a relatively recent technology that has been quickly developing since the late 1960’s. It is the employment of chemical or physical techniques to confine cells or enzymes in a confined space maintain it active and allow to be employed repeatedly. Due to its high microbial density, rapid reaction, reduced sludge generation, environmental resistance and the benefits of ease of use, immobilized microorganisms have been extensively researched and used to control reaction processes in the treatment of wastewater.
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