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Christopher, S.E.N., Kumar, D.P., 2024. Impact of foliar nutrition of iron and zinc on groundnut. Innovative Farming 9(1), 21-27. DOI: 10.54083/IF/9.1.2024/21-27.


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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 9 No. 1 : January-March (2024) / Review Articles

Impact of Foliar Nutrition of Iron and Zinc on Groundnut

S. Edson Nirmal Christopher*

Dept. of Catering Science and Hotel Management, Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 018), India

D. Praveen Kumar

Dept. of Management, Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 018), India


Keywords: Foliar nutrition, Groundnut, Iron, Micronutrient, Sustainable agriculture, Zinc


Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) functions as a crucial food grain legume and an oilseed crop due to its higher oil production while serving the edible oil industry. The cultivation techniques and mineral nutrition affect the productivity of groundnuts, despite their rain-dependent nature. Zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) deficiencies still remain as primary constraints that restrict yield potential while diminishing nutritional quality. Lack of these micronutrients in the soil slows down plant growth and development. This can lead to Zn and Fe deficiencies in humans, which need effective nutrient management. The technique of applying fertilizers directly onto leaves functions as an effective solution that enables plants to absorb nutrients more effectively since it bypasses soil-related challenges, such as nutrient fixation and leaching, which leads to enhanced enzyme activation and chlorophyll production and metabolic processes. Research on crop nutrition shows extensive development, yet few studies present specific findings on applying Zn and Fe through foliage applications in groundnuts. Recent advancements in foliar application techniques have demonstrated significant improvements in pod yield, kernel quality and micronutrient density, offering a promising approach to addressing both agricultural and nutritional challenges. This review consolidates existing research on the role of foliar-applied Zn and Fe in groundnut cultivation, emphasizing its agronomic benefits, physiological impacts and potential contributions to sustainable agriculture and human nutrition.


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