Impact of Online Learning on Students
Kshiptimayee Patra
Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam (785 013), India
Keywords: Academic performance, COVID-19, Online classes, Students
Online learning classes have become a part of the educational system; however, because of the current Covid-19 situation; online lessons are becoming increasingly popular among students. In the pandemic condition ministry of HRD introduce online classes to the students to continue their studies through the internet without visiting physical classes. Online learning has both positive and negative effects on students, according to their perceptions. The current research focuses on the effects of online learning on students. It was discovered that students do not have enough access to online classes and that while they benefit from them, they do not complete their other classwork and assignments on time, which hampered their academic performance.
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