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Borah, D., Bora, S.S., 2020. In-situ nutrient recycling and management. Research Biotica 2(3), 91-96. DOI: 10.54083/ResBio/2.3.2020.91-96.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 2 No. 3 : July-September (2020) / Research Articles

In-Situ Nutrient Recycling and Management

Debasish Borah*

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Udalguri, Assam Agricultural University, Lalpool, BTAD, Udalguri, Assam (784 514), India

Sarat Sekhar Bora

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Udalguri, Assam Agricultural University, Lalpool, BTAD, Udalguri, Assam (784 514), India


Keywords: Biomass, In-situ, Nutrient management, Recycling


One of the most important process occurring in the ecosystem is nutrient recycling, which describes the use, movement and recycling of nutrients in the environment involving both living and non-living components using biological, chemical and geological process. For economic and environmental reasons, it is essential that nutrient cycling is used more efficiently in the farm. To achieve this goal, reduction in long-distance nutrient flows, as well as promoting true on-farm recycling is required in which nutrients return in the form of crop residue or manure to the fields from which they came. There are a number of strategies to help farmers reach the goal of better nutrient cycling. However, there are potentially large flows of nutrients onto and off of farms. The inflow occurs as commercial and organic fertilizers and amendments as well as animal feeds are imported onto the farm and in manures and composts brought from off the farm. Exports are mainly in the form of crops and animal products. In general, larger amounts of nutrients are exported off the farm in vegetation (grains, forages, vegetables, etc.) than in animal products. Nutrient flows are of great concern because as nutrient levels decline, the soil rapidly degrades. Nutrient recycling can be done by effective utilization of straw, weed and other biomass, crop residues. Even fallow period can help nutrient recycling as well as maintenance of soil fertility. Crops producing more biomass if utilized well are more beneficial for effective nutrient recycling.


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