Infection of Seed and Transmission of Seed Borne Pathogens
Mohit Kumar*
Dept. of Plant Pathology, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar (848125), India
Dilip Kumar Chaurasiya
Dept. of Plant Pathology, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar (848125), India
Keywords: Seed-borne, Transmission, Systemic, Infected
The Seed is a basic unit in commercial crop production. Seed plays a significant role in associating micro-organisms that prove hazardous for new plant created from it. Important seed-borne pathogen is various fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, etc. They may be associated internally or externally with the seed or as concomitant contamination as sclerotia, galls, fungal cells, bacterial ooze, infected plant parts, soil particles, etc. mixed with the seed. Seed-borne pathogen usually caused a harmful for human welfares as well as agriculture seed production. Most of the fungal pathogens caused mycotoxin in the infected seed that harmful for those human populations that consume fungal infected seed as food. Various factors such as environmental factors, host genotype and pathogen inoculums play a vital role in seed-borne infection.
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Agarwal, VK., and Sinclair, JB., 1993. Principles of Seed Pathology. Vols.I & I1, CBS Publication. New Delhi.
Paul Neergaard.,1988. Seed Pathology. Mac Millan. London.
Suryanarayana D., 1978. Seed Pathology.Vikash Publication. New Delhi.