Inky Cap Infestation in Mushroom Cultivation
Sivapriya R.*
Dept of Plant Pathology, S. Thangapazham Agricultural College (STAC), Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu (627 760), India
T. Sahila
Dept of Plant Pathology, S. Thangapazham Agricultural College (STAC), Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu (627 760), India
Keywords: Amino acids, Ammonia, Compost, Mushroom
Mushrooms are free of cholesterol and contain small amounts of essential amino acids and B vitamins. Mushroom is also affected by various diseases caused by fungal and bacterial agents. The commonly cultivated mushrooms include Agaricus, Lentinus, Flammulina, Pleurotus and Volvariella. For the successful cultivation of mushroom, a good quality spawn is needed but few fungal and bacterial agents infect mushroom spawn and reduce the spawn quality. Mushrooms cultivated under protected culture or growing wild are infested by bacteria, virus and fungi. Inky cap (Coprinus comatus) is a common weed on mushroom beds. It is competitor mould disease. The symptom of inky weed is black inky liquid present.
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