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Mohan, C., Berry, N., 2021. Insect Pests of Bamboos and Their Management. Biotica Research Today 3(10), 874-877.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 3 No. 10 : October (2021) / Popular Article

Insect Pests of Bamboos and Their Management

Mohan C.*

Division of Forest Protection, ICFRE- Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (482 021), India

Nanita Berry

Division of Forest Protection, ICFRE- Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (482 021), India


Keywords: Bamboo, Forest, IPM, Insect pests


Pest problem is one of the major constraints for achieving higher production in bamboos. Bamboo is affected by several insects belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera and Hemiptera. Of the defoliators, greater leaf roller Pyrausta coclesalis is the most important occurring in epidemic, in post-monsoon season. Other defoliators are P. bambucivora, Heiroglyphus banian and Poecilo cerus pictus. The bamboo weevils Cyrtotrachelus dux and Cyrtotrachelus longimanus are important shoot borers. The hispine beetle Estigmena chinensis inflicts heavy damage on Dendrocalamus strictus culms. The borers of standing bamboos are controlled by silvicultural thinning. Of the sap-suckers bamboo aphid Oregma bambusae and seed bug Ochrophara occurs in epidemic form. For controlling of insect pests of bamboo require preventive and remedial measures employing physical, chemical and biological techniques are available. The concept of integrated pest management (IPM) exploits all the available options so that the insecticide load to the environment can be minimized.


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