Integrated Management Practices to Overcome Yield Loss in Coconut
D. Rajakumar*
Dept. of Agronomy, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Vallanad, Tamil Nadu (628 252), India
S. Geethanjali
Dept. of Plant Breeding and Genetics, TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (641 003), India
V. Sivakumar
Coconut Research Station, Aliyarnagar, Tamil Nadu (642 101), India
H. P. Maheswarappa
AICRP on Palms, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, Kerala (671 124), India
Keywords: Abiotic Stress, Coconut, Integrated management, Yield loss
Coconut palm is an important plantation and oilseed crop of the tropics. A decline in production and productivity of established coconut gardens is attributed to numerous biotic and abiotic factors. Pencil point disorder, button shedding and barren nuts are a common problem in the coconut plantations. Integrated management practices can help to overcome these constraints and revive the productivity of the coconut palms.
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V. Sivakumar, A. Subramanian, S. Geethanjali, S. Praneetha, H. P. Maheswarappa, 2020. Assessment of genetic variability for growth, floral, yield and its component traits in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 11(03), 809-813.