Integration of Fish with Poultry Farming for Increasing Production, Maximization of Profit and Resource Conservation
Jahnabi Jyoti Kalita*
Advanced Centre for Integrated Farming Systems Research, AICRP on IFS, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam (785 013), India
Debasish Borah
Advanced Centre for Integrated Farming Systems Research, AICRP on IFS, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam (785 013), India
Keywords: Farmer, Integrated Fish cum Poultry Farming, Rural Development, Sustainable
Integrated Fish cum Poultry Farming emerges as a sustainable and synergistic agricultural approach, blending over 1500 years of Asian history with modern practices. Rooted in the concept of waste as a misplaced resource, this integrated farming system optimizes the relationship between diverse agricultural activities, enhancing the efficiency of marginal and small farmers. The integration of poultry and fish farming, where poultry droppings become feed materials for fish, have a mutually beneficial mechanism. This method not only saves on fertilizer and supplementary feed costs but also addresses waste management through the effective recycling of by-products. The system contributes to rural development by generating income, empowering women and ensuring livelihood security. Housing structures, bird selection, feeding practices and health care measures are intricately woven into this model, fostering efficient resource utilization. This integrated model stands as a promising solution for resource-poor rural communities, combining nutritional security with sustainable livelihood.
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