Introduction of Nanoparticles in Agriculture
Aswathy S. Nair*
State Emergency Operation Centre, Kerala State Disaster Management Authority, Kerala (695 033), India
Durga C.
Dept. of Agronomy, Kerala Agriculture University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala (680 656), India
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Nano herbicide, Nano sensors, Nano fertilizer
Nanotechnology is a branch of science which manipulates the properties of particles keeping in size range of 1-100 nm. The particles come between 1-100 nm is called nanoparticles. The nanoparticles have proven excellent physical, chemical and other properties than bulk particles. This advantage has been used in almost all fields including agriculture. The research associated with nanoparticles in agriculture is still rudimentary. The existing findings proven that fertilizer use efficiency of nanoparticles are very high compared to conventional fertilizers. They act as smart delivery fertilizer units. Nano herbicides also have proven advantages than bulk. Nano particles can serve as smart sensors in hi-tech agriculture. But the fixation of optimum dose of nano particles in agriculture is still struggling. It was seen that even small doses of nanoparticles cause toxic impacts on crops. So, there is need of detailed research about nanoparticles in agriculture to bring nanoscience from “lab to field”.
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