Ivy Gourd - A Nutritious Cucurbitaceous Vegetable as Immunity Enhancer
V. Sivakumar*
Coconut Research Station, TNAU, Aliyarnagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (642 101), India
R. Balakumbahan
Dept. of Vegetable Science, HC & RI, Periyakulam, Kamatchipuram, Tamil Nadu (625 604), India
Keywords: Immunity enhancer, Ivy gourd, Nutritious, Vegetable
Cucurbitaceae is one of the important plant family comprises nutritionally and medicinally valued vegetable in human diet. Mostly they are low calorific, dietary fibre rich vegetables and medicinally known for their diuretic, anti diabetic capacity. Cucurbitaceae contains more than 95 genera and 800 species within. Mostly they are annual in nature, but the genus Coccinia is one of the perennial cucurbit vegetable known as ivy gourd. It is an Indian originated vegetable well known for its anti diabetic property.
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