Karrikins - The Regenerator of Life
Antul Kumar*
Dept. of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab (141 004), India
Anuj Choudhary
Dept. of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab (141 004), India
Harmanjot Kaur
Dept. of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab (141 004), India
Keywords: Forest fire, Karrikins, Seed germination, Species
Recently in 2020, intensive and unprecedented Australian forest fire was threatened humanity and create situation of emergency in the country. No one expected, the life smiles again there, but nature bounce back immediately with no clues. Science hidden in nature is mysterious, and every claim by scientist that the community knows everything - that is wrong. Can we imagine the life become viable in the soil during consecutive phases of massive bushfire? Nature opens its mystery ball and something comes out from it that starts life again-Karrikins. These are usually abundant in smoke and present in soil bound form and play important role in seed germination, osmotic adjustments, stomatal conductance, drought tolerance, primary and secondary metabolisms, chlorophyll concentration, pigmentation components, cuticle maintenance, repression of lateral roots, maintaining root architecture and promotes root – yield relationships in many species.
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