Kinnow Growing Fetches More Prices in Hot Arid Region
Jagveer Singh
School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab (141 004), India
Govind Vishwakarma*
Dept. of Fruit Science, Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh (284 003), India
Keywords: Kinnow, Rootstock, Tristeza, Yield
The kinnow has emerged as one of the most economically feasible crops for desert farmers looking to diversify their agricultural practises while also achieving nutrition and financial stability. Adaptability to arid environments, high yield, better quality, rootstock adoptability, low incidence of insects, pests, and diseases, tolerance to abiotic stresses, irrigation facilities, value addition, long productive life for sustainable production, and cheap labour availability make it the hot arid region's preferred crop. However, the hot dry habitat is extremely vulnerable to climatic changes such as high temperatures, high wind speeds, high solar radiation, salty soils, and cold temperatures during the winter, all of which have a negative impact on kinnow production. Farmers are unable to effectively utilise water resources for improved agricultural production due to conventional farming systems, a lack of understanding about efficient practises, and the absence of adaptive cultivars and technology.
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NHB, 2018. Statistical database of National Horticulture Board, Gurgaon. Available at: http://nhb.gov.in. Accessed on 29.10.2021.
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