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Upamanya, G.K., Deka, C., Sharma, H., Deka, A.K., 2024. Knowledge level of farmers on safe use of pesticides in Barpeta district of Assam. Plant Health Archives 2(3), 98-103. DOI: 10.54083/PHA/2.3.2024/98-103.



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HOME / ARCHIVES / Vol. 2 No. 3 : July-September (2024) / Research Articles

Knowledge Level of Farmers on Safe Use of Pesticides in Barpeta District of Assam

G.K. Upamanya*

Dept. of Plant Pathology, SCS College of Agriculture, AAU, Dhubri, Assam (783 376), India

C. Deka

Extension Education Institute (NE Region), AAU, Khanapara, Assam (781 022), India

Haridra Sharma

Dept. of Extension Education, B.N. College of Agriculture, AAU, Biswanath Chariali, Assam (784 176), India

A.K. Deka

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, AAU, Barpeta, Assam (781 316), India


Keywords: Awareness programme, Knowledge, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Safe use of pesticides


The study on the impact of awareness programme on farmers’ knowledge regarding the safe use of pesticides revealed a significant increase in knowledge among the participants after the programme. Socio-economic factors were also analyzed for their association with knowledge gain. A positive correlation between education level and knowledge acquisition was observed from the study. However, the variables such as occupation, age, experience in farming, family type, information source about farming and farm size did not exhibit significant correlation. The results of investigation observed that the farmers often depended on the advice from other experienced farmers and agriculture input dealers regarding various farming activities. The input dealers and the farmers showed limited interest about the safe pesticide handling practices. The significant importance of awareness programme in improving the farmers’ knowledge level was observed in the present investigation. Organizing regular and frequent awareness programme regarding safe handling of pesticides could be suggested to make people aware of the harmful effects of chemical pesticides.


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